Plates for eating slowly Hot, Smart Plates by HotSmart ® (keep food from getting cold) People eat slowly for a number of reasons (A large number of reasons) Will you please RT? Twitter blocked my @HotSmart account "for security reasons" (Yeah right! I don't buy it) Reasons Plus Frequent Asked Questions and Real Facts: First of all: You like to enjoy your hot food while still warm You or your loved one are sick your loved one has dementia (alzheimer's...) have mobility problems (Parkinsons, ALS) You are a caregiver, nurse, home caregiver You are a Doctor who wants to recommend a feeding aid this to patients, family or caregivers You want to stop overeating or you know someone who is struggling with this You hate it when food gets cold on the plate or gets cold to the table You know that eating slowly helps prevent overeating, hence obesity. You just had WLS (Weight Loss Surgery) and are